Borrow a GoPro

Do you have an artistic flair? Fancy yourself as an amateur director? Or do you want to capture your elective memories forever?

Then do we have an opportunity for you!

We know that one of the best ways to find out about what an elective is really like is to share the experiences of others. That’s why we’re working to get video case studies of more and more hospitals. If you’d like to help us we have a number of GoPro cameras available to help you shoot the best possible video.

All you have to do is drop us an email to register your interest. We will then send over a form for you to fill out with details about when and where you’re going. It’s that simple! As long as everything checks out, we will then send you a GoPro before your departure and the rest is up to you.

You will have full artistic reign to choose what you film, from the local area to the amazing things you get up to on your day off. You will be helping future students decide if your elective is right for them.