The Electives Network was created in 2001 when a medical student in the UK found that there was no helpful resources available for students planning their electives. Before he qualified, Dr Hamilton embarked on a mission to create an online forum that would allow students to share information and reviews. His vision was to embolden medical students to ignore the path of volunteerism through organised providers, and instead gain essential skills seeking out their own elective experience and planning it independently. By working collectively he believed that the students could save their money and their time whilst helping to improve the opportunities available to other students around the world. And so, The Electives Network was created.
Over the twenty years it has been in operation, The Electives Network has helped over 100,000 students from around the world to seek out new placements and work collectively to share these networks and opportunities. As the time has passed TEN has expanded its remit to encompass students from all the allied healthcare professions. As its network of clinics and hospitals around the work has grown, TEN has become a champion for global health education.
Our ethos strongly believes that each informed individual who embarks on a career in global health can change prevailing inequities, one placement at a time. By positioning informed individuals as the vanguard of ethical practices, TEN has grown into a commitment to educate and share resources in global health. We now focus our work on education and research sharing alongside the more traditional approach of creating healthcare partnerships.