Ben Simms - THET

Join us for an extraordinary keynote speech by Ben Simms, where we explore the power of healthcare partnerships and their impact on global access to quality healthcare. Over 1 billion people currently lack access to skilled health professionals, and it's time to make a change.

For over three decades, THET (Tropical Health and Education Trust) has been at the forefront of training healthcare workers and advocating for universal access to affordable, high-quality healthcare. In collaboration with Students for Global Health, they have developed an innovative resource called the Students in Health Partnerships (SHP) toolkit.

During this captivating keynote speech, Ben Simms will delve into the SHP toolkit and its immense potential for transforming healthcare partnerships. Discover the pivotal role students play in these partnerships and gain practical guidance on how to implement the toolkit's strategies within your unique context.

Be inspired by Ben Simms as he shares his deep insights and expertise in bridging the gap in healthcare access. Learn how you can contribute to creating a brighter future for millions of individuals by leveraging the power of health partnerships and student engagement.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to be part of a movement that is revolutionizing global healthcare. Join us for this captivating keynote speech and unlock the potential of the Students in Health Partnerships toolkit. Together, we can empower healthcare workers, improve access to quality care, and create lasting change for those in need.

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